Lightroom slow on mac
Lightroom slow on mac

So how much faster is the new machine? Way faster. I often sit impatiently watching progress bars crawl along as I merge multiple photos into a single panorama or high dynamic range (HDR) image or increase photo size with Adobe's Super Resolution feature. I quickly max out my memory with editing tasks such as exposure adjustments and tonal changes. Turning raw photo data into a shot I can see on my screen is a constant computational bottleneck as the computer renders new photos or rerenders them with editing changes. Processing photos is a lot of work for computers.

lightroom slow on mac lightroom slow on mac

That means I have a lot of photos to manage, many of them in processor-taxing sizes. I also try out new camera products like the 45-megapixel Canon R5 and the 151-megapixel Phase One IQ4. I also shoot hundreds of raw photos with a Google Pixel and an Apple iPhone. I usually take 30-megapixel photos in raw image formats with my Canon 5D Mark IV. It's a labor of love, and I do mean labor.

Lightroom slow on mac